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NEIEA…Introduction and working


NEIEA was officially registered on April 18, 2022 as a section 8a non-profit educational organization in India, after two years of active engagement in educational discussions and planning. The failure of education during the pandemic highlighted the urgent need for a transformative model that could address shortcomings, ensure sustainability, and promote equity and inclusivity. The focus was on prioritizing education for marginalized groups, including girls, out-of-school, and dropout children, those requiring special education, Madrasa youth, and students attending low-quality private and public schools. The goal was to create a new and innovative educational system to meet the diverse needs of all learners. Conventional education in schools and colleges often involved one-way teaching, where teachers presented information from textbooks, and students were expected to memorize and reproduce it without questioning. There was limited scope for critical thinking, collaborative learning, or reasoning-based answers. Education was not a priority and lacked proper resources and infrastructure. The approach reflected a colonial heritage that emphasized obedience and discouraged questioning.

Discussions were initiated in 2020 towards a reformation of the education system. Through discussion a consensus was evolved and it was agreed that Discourse Oriented pedagogy (DOP) provided a better approach to education than the method of memorization pursued so far. DOP was embraced as a preferred pedagogy. Dr. K. N. Anandan the founder of DOP conducted many sessions explaining the pedagogy. In 2021 a pilot project to understand the working of pedagogy was launched in collaboration with the Shaheen group of Educational Institutions based in Bidar. Here, Dr. Anandan spent 3 months teaching DOP based lessons to students and teachers. It was a very successful pilot project with great learning impact.

Discourse-Oriented Pedagogy (DOP)

Innate Expertise

It utilizes innate, tacit knowledge unique to human beings.

Customized Pedagogy

It is a term used for subject-specific, theme-specific, level-specific, and learner-specific processes and protocols.

Knowledge Construction

It aims to facilitate constructing systems of knowledge, including language and core subjects like Mathematics and Sciences.

Cognitive Teaching

It challenges skill-based language teaching methods and focuses on the human mind's capacity to construct knowledge.

Eclectic Pedagogy

It draws inspiration from Cognitive psychology, theoretical linguistics, Gestalt theories, Multiple Intelligences theories, Whole Language, and Critical pedagogy.

Inclusive Language Pedagogy

It is not just a method for teaching any nameable language and is not to be construed as the pedagogy limited for children but is applicable for all human learners.

The DOP construct is one of

Shifting from transmitting information to transacting experience.

Moving from memorizing pre-decided information to constructing knowledge.

Implicitly transitioning from the behavioral paradigm to the constructivist paradigm.

This results in

  • The shifting from teacher-centered to learner-centered or learning-centered facilitation.
  • It exposes the social nature of learning and the valuing of individual differences as resources..
  • Valuing the perspectives of those within the classroom and connecting school with the outside world for holistic learning.
  • Helping students understand the purpose of learning and adopting a whole-to-part approach.
  • Viewing learning as a lifelong process rather than just exam preparation.


DOP is a new approach to Learning

neiea goals

Avoids teacher-centered "teacher-talk" and a heavy reliance on textbooks.

neiea goals

Rejects the notion of a fixed world of knowledge that students must learn.

neiea goals

Encourages student-initiated questions, independent thought, and interactions.

neiea goals

Permits the rethinking of how goals are to be established in the learning process.

The scaling of education using technology

Educational Technology Advancements

The adoption of technology platforms like Google Classroom, MS Teams, and Zoom has facilitated massive growth and scaling of education.These technologies are now widely used by educational and business institutions globally for education and training purposes.

A Digital Learning Solution

NEIEA has opted for Google Classroom. It is an online platform developed by Google to facilitate communication, collaboration, and assignment management between teachers and students. It aims to streamline the process of creating, distributing, and grading assignments in a digital environment. It operates primarily as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a virtual classroom.

Enhancing Online Learning with Google Classroom

Google Classroom can support online learning by providing a central hub for teachers to organize and deliver materials, resources, and assignments.It allows students to access course materials, submit assignments digitally, and engage in discussions with peers and teachers regardless of their physical location.

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